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Energy Circulation Theory (ECT)

Energy Circulation Theory (ECT)


Energy Circulation Theory (ECT)


Main principles

  • Movement of an intrinsic energy E1 at V1 vests an additional energy, and shows the total energy E = E1 V12. It is invariant by the selection of an intrinsic energy and its velocity depending on a target direction. \[ E=E_1 V_1^2 =E_2 V_2^2 = mc^2 \]
  • Between energy movements, the fundamental force works based on momentums. (Gravitation: based on energy quantities)

Novel physics by the ECT

The fundamental force enables an energy circulation. The force controls the space expansion, and presents the electric, magnetic and nuclear interactions. The ECT raises drastic amendments to the standard physics. It has brought the cosmic and galactic evolution without dark energy and dark matter as well as the novel scheme for quantum particles without quarks.

Capricious walk to physics - ECT

(Explanation of ECT)

Modern Physics full of mistakes

Discovery of the Energy Circulation Theory

(Dream born by Junshin & Miracle after 50 years)

Heliocentrism and the Energy Circulation Theory

Novel Electromagnetism by the ECT

Novel Cosmology by the ECT

Novel Dynamics by the ECT

Novel Particle Physics by the ECT

Summary slides


  1. Renewed concepts for electric charge, electric current and magnetic charge by the energy circulation theory, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 7 (2023) 2350008
  2. Formation of major types of galaxies based on the energy circulation theory, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 6 (2022) 2250004
  3. The novel and common origin of gamma-ray bursts: a galactic seed separation with emitting radiations, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 5(1) (2021) 2150005
  4. Quantum mechanics from the energy circulation theory - wave function showing an energy location in the 3D real space, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 5 (2021) 2150001
  5. Galactic evolution showing a constant circulating speed of stars in a galactic disc without requiring dark matter, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 4(2) (2020) 2050004
  6. Structures and interactions of quantum particles based on the energy circulation theory, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 3(1) (2019) 1950001
  7. Energy circulation theory to provide a cosmic evolution, electric charge, light and electromagnetism, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 2(3) (2018) 1850007
  8. Frequency-based redshift for cosmological observation and Hubble diagram from the 4-D spherical model in comparison with observed supernovae, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 880 (2017) 012058