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Books on the Energy Circulation Theory



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Discovery of the Energy Circulation Theory
Dream born by Junshin and miracle after 50 years

The energy circulation theory solved unsolved problems in the standard physics one after another such as dark energy and dark matter. How did it reach the idea that there is a force (fundamental force) working on momentums? Because the fundamental force, which forms a basis of the theory, was not known, physics has been in confusion.
  This book introduces how the author discovered the energy circulation theory, going back to his junior high school days. While providing an overview of the theory, it explains in a simple way that the modern physics such as the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, particle theory are mathematically bankrupt. The book concludes with "Despite such achievements by the ECT, why do physicists not reexamine the foundations of the existing physics? I wonder if the day will come when they will realize that they are swallowing what are mathematically bankrupt as being verified."


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Heliocentrism and the Energy Circulation Theory

The relation between the standard physics and the ECT is in fact very resemble to that between geocentrism and heliocentrism. The key is “force”. The geocentric theory, which was in lack of knowing the nature of gravity (universal gravitation), and the standard physics, which was in lack of knowing the fundamental force that acts on momentums; these two went in a wrong direction because they did not understand the force of cause.
  I put the geocentric and heliocentric theories in order from the perspective above mentioned, and overlap them with the relation between the standard physics and the ECT.


(student, expert)

Novel Electromagnetism by the Energy Circulation Theory

Why does not work a force when the electrodes of two batteries are put close? In fact, isolated electric charges and their electrostatic force have never been observed. The electrification is not to have excess of positive or negative charges but to accumulate the polarization energy by elementary charge pairs. On a cross section (electrode plane) of a charged body, the magnetic charges are set off, while rotating magnetic charges remain on the side surface and the magnetic force works there.
  This book explains the ECT first, then the construction of electromagnetism from scratch. Specifically, starting from the two promises of the ECT, we will show the formation of energy circulations, the cosmic evolution, and the generation of the elementary single circulations playing a key role to form particles and exhibit electromagnetic phenomena. Then we will elucidate the real features of electromagnetic phenomena, and newly define the electric charge, magnetic charge, and electric current.


(student, expert)

Novel Cosmology by the Energy Circulation Theory

The force that governs the cosmic evolution is not the gravity but the fundamental force working based on momentums. In this book, starting from the definition of energy and the two premises of the energy circulation theory, key events of cosmic evolution are derived logically; such as the cosmic separation, space expansion, cyclic decomposition of an energy circulation, galactic seed separation, stellar seed releases, and formation of various shapes of galaxies.
  The Hubble diagram from the ECT showed an excellent fit to the observed data of supernovae, which imply the light speed variation by time but not the acceleration of the space expansion. The constant circulating speed at any radial distances of a galactic disc is also shown without dark matter.


(student, expert)

Novel Dynamics by the Energy Circulation Theory

Our observable energy (apparent energy) should be moving in the space energy and cannot be stationary. However, by forming an energy circulation by the fundamental force, which works on momentums, it can be static and shows the property as a particle. When a particle moves linearly, its intrinsic energy is helically moving.
  By the energy circulation theory, the novel equation of motion on the force and acceleration is derived from the two promises of the ECT. The acceleration is varied by its velocity, but different from the relativistic mass of the special relativity. The energy of a particle consists of the circular energy and the linear energy. The potential energy is incorporated in the circular energy. The novel equation of motion covers any motions of not only particles but also propagating waves.


(student, expert)

Novel Particle Physics by the Energy Circulation Theory

The space of universe is the region where energy exists. Antiparallel movements of energy bend and form an energy circulation, which shows the properties as a particle. It can be static to the space (space energy). By the fundamental force, it keeps a constant radius depending on the energy quantity. It shows an attractive or repulsive interaction with other circulations.
  The smallest quantized energy circulations have the same radius μ0 as that of the spacia in the 4D unit space. The elementary single circulations, S and iS, form a coupled conjugate pair (double circulation), D or iD. Excited forms D#, iD# also act as an elementary circulation. The quantum particle is a composition of elementary circulations in one spacia. Its energy is given by the sum of those of component elementary circulations. Compositions of major particles are given with good fits to reported masses and decay reactions.


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Modern Physics full of mistakes

The energy circulation theory has created an entirely new physical system and achieved overwhelming results. It has solved most of the unsolved problems in the existing physics. Unfortunately, however, physicists ignore the theory and do not put it on discussion.
  This book discusses logical contradictions and mistakes in what is called as the modern physics such as the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, and particle theory, including historical circumstances. Those modern physics are in the state of mathematical bankrupt.

Books on MiTiempo My Time (PDF)


The book "MiTiempo My Time" was released before the energy circulation theory, and examined the nature of time and the universe. The model of the universe proposed here would later be derived logically from the energy circulation theory.


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MiTiempo My Time Part-1

The part 1 examines the nature of time, and proposes the "tracing dimension", the "imaginary order of freedom", and the "definition of time". Based on them, it proposes the following "4D spherical model of the universe". The space of universe is the region where energy is distributed, and the cosmic energy is distributed in the 3D surface of the 4D sphere with expansion. The radius of the 4D sphere can act as a common tracing dimension, that is time, for all locations. The "space energy" is distributed evenly in the space, and its vibrations are our observable energies such as light and particles.


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MiTiempo My Time Part-2

The part 2 is to verify the proposed 4D spherical model of the universe. In the standard physics, the light speed is treated as constant regardless of the movement of the observer. In this book, it is explained that the measurement item of conducted experiments for light speed, such as Michelson-Morley experiment, are unable to detect a variation of light speed. The book presents the formula of the light speed, which varies by the space expansion, and clarifies that the observed data of supernovae show the decrease of the light speed but not the acceleration of the space expansion.