The 4D spherical model of the universe reached an important milestone to successfully derive the Hubble diagram, which beautifully met the observed data of supernovae without introducing an acceleration of space expansion.
The subsequent subject was what initiates and controls the space expansion. I expected at first that the gravity should regulate the expansion but came to realize that it was too weak to decelerate the expansion at early stages. I also speculated that our observable energy is vibrations of the space energy. Real nature of a 1D vibration would be a circulation in a 2D plane. Energy circulation could be an elementary component of quantum particles. However, what a force enables an energy circulation?
The electric force seemed a candidate of such a force to cause energy circulations covering both quantum particles and the cosmic evolution. I conceived that there should exist a force, which works based on momentums instead of energy magnitudes. I named the new force as the “fundamental force”, an outcome of which is the electric force. Once we accept the fundamental force, energy circulations become possible and lead to novel schemes for the cosmic evolution and the particle physics. Please visit individual parts of the energy circulation theory in the ECT home.